מערכה |
Era |
במ מג עה - AOL A-A BRE D+S EoMR EoS EE EE+D EMR ER GS I IC PYR(DE5ul) PYR(DE7l) PYR(DE9l) SR |
Language |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id it ja ko la lt lv mk nb nl pl pt pt ro ru sk sl sr sr sv tl tr zh zh |
Small and unassuming goblins have often been the butt of stronger races who would frequently raid their villages for food and loot. Over time these diminutive figures learnt, through necessity, to fight together as one unit instead of every Goblin for himself. Their weapon of choice are wickedly curved hatchets with which they are equally skilled at throwing and fighting. With the Rocs tamed and their numerous soldiers organised to fight the goblins have spread across the land, exacting revenge upon their former tormentors. It came as a great boon to the Barbarian hordes when the goblins joined their ranks, both see it as a chance to wreck more havoc on a world ripe for the taking.
מתקדמת מ: | |
מתקדמת אל: | Goblin Sniper Goblin Fighter |
עלות: | 12 |
נק\ | 24 |
תנועה: | 4 |
נק\ | 28 |
Level: | 1 |
נטייה: | ניטרלי |
ID | I8 Barbarian_Goblin |
יכולות: |
![]() | hatchet להב | 8 - 1 קפא\ | |
![]() | hatchet להב | 6 - 2 טווח רחוק |
עמידויות: | |
להב | 100% |
חודר | 100% |
מוחץ | 100% |
אש | 100% |
קור | 100% |
קסום | 100% |
סוג שטח | מחיר תנועה | הגנה |
אדמת מרעה | - | 100% |
ביצה | - | 100% |
גבעות | - | 100% |
הרים | - | 100% |
חול | - | 100% |
חורשת פיטריות | - | 100% |
יער | - | 100% |
כפר | - | 100% |
מים עמוקים | - | 100% |
מים רדודים | - | 100% |
מערה | - | 100% |
קיר מערה | - | 100% |
שלג | - | 100% |
תהום | - | 100% |